How do I cancel a Sterling Standing Order / regular payment?

To Cancel a Sterling Standing Order complete the following steps: 

  1. From the Homescreen scroll down to navigation bar of icons and select 'Manage your payments'
  2. From the 'Manage your money' screen choose 'Personal'
  3. Select the account the Standing Order is paid from
  4. From the list of transactions, select the Standing Order you wish to cancel
  5. Review the details and if you are happy tap 'Delete single payment'
  6. A question will appear asking 'Are you sure you want to delete this payment?' This is because once deleted, the Standing Order cannot be re-instated - a new Standing Order would have to be set up.
  7. If you are happy to proceed tap 'Yes'
  8. Confirmation will appear on screen stating 'Payment successfully deleted'
  9. Tap 'Back to accounts' to return to the Homescreen

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